Loose Teeth During Braces Treatment: Should You Be Worried?

Loose Teeth During Braces Treatment: Should You Be Worried?

The road to a perfect smile typically starts with getting orthodontic treatment to straighten any crooked teeth, followed by dental whitening in Singapore to achieve that perfect combination of vibrantly white and straight teeth. If you’ve already heard about other people’s experiences with Invisalign or braces treatment, you’ll know that it is not without its challenges and concerns. Among the many issues that can be a cause for alarm among orthodontic patients is their teeth feeling a little loose when touched.

Given the fact that teeth no longer grow back past childhood, it is only natural to be anxious about the possibility of losing them. But rest assured that this is par for the course during orthodontic treatment, and is a good sign that things are working as intended. Read on for a deep dive on what goes on when this happens and how orthodontic forces cause it.

A Refresher on How Braces Work

Treatment with orthodontic braces entails using a dental appliance made up of individual brackets cemented to the front surface of each tooth, with a wire running through them. The brackets hold the wire strands in place, while the wires press and pull on the teeth gradually. These wires are what get adjusted during your scheduled dental visits. They progressively apply the necessary pressure required to move your teeth and shift them to their desired positions.

The Science Behind Teeth Shifting

Teeth are fixed to the jawbone via the periodontal ligament. This connective tissue gets compressed on the side of the tooth under pressure and stretched on the other side by the consistent force delivered by the braces or Invisalign trays. Bone cells referred to as osteoclasts then cause the bone on the compressed side to degrade or break down, while osteoblasts form new bone on the stretched side. The new bone is laid down round the tooth root, thereby securing the tooth in its new spot.

Orthodontic treatment relies on the body’s natural bone remodelling capabilities to correct crooked teeth in a continuous process that takes time to complete, that is why your teeth can feel loose in the middle of this process. This remodelling response actually occurs in the rest of your body throughout your life to maintain optimal levels of phosphorus and calcium in response to dynamic loads, and maintain the structural integrity of your bones.

What sets orthodontic bone remodelling apart from its natural counterpart is that it is a precise and guided process that safely encourages the breakdown of existing bone at one spot and the formation of new bone at another. Once your teeth sit in their final positions and are no longer shifting, the periodontal ligaments will gradually tighten once more and secure your teeth in place. This will be aided by an orthodontic retainer that restricts tooth movement.

Teeth Can Still Shift Back After Braces

As mentioned, the use of retainers is necessary to keep your now straightened teeth from returning to their original positions, or shifting to some other direction. This is because teeth are subjected to many forces coming from many directions, and can drift back or drift away unless there is something preventing them from doing so. The gum  ligaments mentioned earlier are not fixed and hard like bone, that is why they are not strong enough to hold the teeth securely.

Therefore, being diligent in wearing your retainers is essential to preserve the alignment achieved through all the time and effort you’ve invested in your smile. By following your dentist’s instructions, which typically entails wearing retainers as much as possible for the first few months after your braces come off, your bone and other tissues get enough time to reorganise until your teeth feel rock solid in their new spot. After this period, most patients need only wear their retainers at night and keep up the habit for as long as they want to keep their teeth straight.


Experiencing loose teeth during braces treatment is a normal part of the process. As braces work to align and straighten your teeth, they deliver forces that move the teeth, which can cause them to temporarily feel a little shaky. However, if the teeth are very shaky, or if there is severe discomfort, it’s important to consult your orthodontist to ensure there are no underlying issues such as overloading, and keep your treatment on track for a healthy, beautifully aligned smile.

Whether it’s comprehensive orthodontic treatment or limited dental care you need, BigSmile Dental Clinic has you covered. Through our personalised treatment plans and other general services, we ensure your oral health and pearly whites remain in tip-top shape so you can enjoy the dazzling smile you’ve always wanted. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started on your dental goals.