Stress, a natural reaction to emotional, psychological, and physical demands, is a part of daily life. Everyone feels some degree of stress. A moderate amount of stress is to be expected as we push ourselves to rise to the challenges and strive for excellence, in whatever aspects we put our mind to. However, excessive stress is detrimental; it can negatively affect one’s health, including oral health, in both the short- and long-term. As such, if you care about keeping your pearly whites in perfect condition, it is essential to know the many ways being stressed can harm your teeth and gums and what you can do to prevent it.
The Direct And Indirect Impact of Stress on Oral Health
Feeling incredibly stressed has been shown to directly affect teeth and gums in several ways, which is why it is important to know how to best manage these conditions if they occur.
The deleterious effects include:
– Teeth Grinding and Jaw Issues
Stress and anxiety are among the many factors that encourage teeth grinding or bruxism. In many instances, people who have developed the habit of grinding their teeth don’t realise what they are doing unless someone else mentions it. This activity can be particularly difficult to notice as it usually happens while they’re asleep. Beyond teeth grinding, stress can also lead people to pick up other unhealthy habits such as chewing on things like pens, which can cause jaw disorders, tooth damage, and headaches over time.
– Canker Sores
Also known as mouth sores, these tiny white lesions are painful open wounds that typically develop on the soft tissues of the mouth. Depending on where they pop up, the worst they can do is make it harder to talk and eat. People become more susceptible to canker sores when their immune system is compromised due to chronic stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, or in some cases, viruses or bacteria.
– Gum Disease
Many research findings point to a connection between periodontitis or gum disease and chronic stress. As mentioned, this type of stress keeps the immune system from functioning optimally and therefore makes it more difficult for the body to defend itself against the bacteria that cause gum disease.
Additionally, stress can wreak havoc on your oral health in many indirect ways, mainly by influencing certain behaviours, such as:
– Tobacco and Alcohol Use
Smoking and drinking alcohol are among the most popular coping mechanisms people turn to when they’re feeling burnt out. And as you may have already heard, both contribute to a whole host of oral health issues ranging from gum disease to cancer. Moreover, they can cause teeth to turn yellow and prompt the need for dental whitening in Singapore to make them shine once more.
– Unhealthy Binge Eating
Other people turn to food instead of tobacco and alcohol to ease their worries, particularly those unhealthy foods that are far too sugary or acidic because they generally provide a greater dopamine reward. Consuming a lot of these types of foods puts one at greater risk of tooth decay.
– Neglecting Oral Hygiene
Stress tends to cause decreased energy that may result in feeling too tired to maintain certain everyday habits, like following one’s usual dental routine. Putting off these habits that are essential to keeping your mouth healthy gives bacteria the opportunity to cause some damage.
Chronic stress can have serious consequences on your oral health and result in all kinds of issues ranging from tooth decay to jaw disorders or worse. When stress levels remain unchecked, habits like teeth grinding and poor oral hygiene become more common, which can further exacerbate these problems. By managing stress through healthy coping mechanisms, following expert advice, and maintaining consistent dental care, you can protect both your oral and overall health from the damaging effects of excessive stress. Taking proactive steps is key to preserving your smile and well-being.
Visit BigSmile Dental Clinic today if you ever need professional assistance with stress-related dental issues. From clear aligners and metal braces to teeth whitening and more, our dedicated team of dental professionals are always happy to guide you towards your dream smile and keep your oral health in tip-top shape.