Invisalign braces are understandably well-liked for their higher invisibility, comfort and are easier to remove.
Most people wearing Invisalign braces don’t really have to worry about what you can or cannot eat as long as you clean your teeth properly before putting them back on.
The best orthodontists in Singapore would usually offer advice on what you can and cannot eat. But for Invisalign braces, they don’t have to do that because they are removable. However, some food options will help to improve and maintain your dental care.
Invisalign prices in Singapore can be quite costly, so you should not throw it all away by letting your teeth’s health deteriorate.
Here are 4 of the best food options you can enjoy eating to maintain a healthy and strong set of teeth
1. Tofu
Tofu is high in calcium, magnesium and protein which strengthens your teeth. It is a highly favoured healthy breakfast or snack option providing your body with calcium, essential amino acids and even protective minerals like manganese, selenium & phosphorus, and vitamin B1, which are good for both your body’s and teeth’s well-being.
It is also a great food option for lactose intolerant people as it is easier to digest than milk.
You can have them fried, boiled or steamed, and flavoured with your favourite sauces.
2. Berries
Berries are high in vitamins and minerals. Most are rich in antioxidants, all beneficial for your teeth’s health.
Though some berries may stain your teeth, they make delicious yet healthy snacks for every age. Additionally, berries contain a compound that can prevent plaque from attaching to the teeth.
With a bunch of nutrients working together, they keep both your teeth and body strong and healthy!
3. Almonds
Almonds are high in tooth-building calcium, gum-stimulating fibre, vitamin E and protein. They are a great alternative to dairy products and pack the same nutrients, if not more.
They can be eaten alone or mixed with anything from muesli to salads. Actually, the crunch in almonds is actually very good at preventing plaque growth on your teeth.
However, if you are concerned about their hardness, you can chop or slice them, or buy slivered almonds.
4. Legumes
Legumes like lentils, chickpeas, black beans & peas are an excellent source of potassium and fibre that are beneficial for your health including maintaining a healthy set of teeth.
For all pea lovers, it’s your lucky day because peas actually help prevent periodontal disease and fight tooth decay. This means that if you have been eating peas your whole life, your teeth are in good care!
With the cost of Invisalign braces in Singapore being quite expensive, it’s good to maintain your dental health to prevent any problems from arising.
Keep in mind that it is essential to be well-disciplined in cleaning your teeth properly after eating so you can reduce any possible risks of damage.
What better way to carry out good dental care than to have good tasting and nutritional food!