Essential Foods To Maintain Healthy Teeth

Good Orthodontist In Singapore, Braces Cost

After so much time spent wearing braces and not being allowed to consume all your favourite foods, it’s finally going to be removed. While the prospect of freedom is near, now is certainly not the time to neglect the health of your teeth.

A good orthodontist would probably have already given you advice for proper care of your teeth as well as the foods that you should be actively eating and avoiding. Regardless, here’s a list of foods that are surprisingly good for your teeth:

Soy products

Tofu can be great for your teeth. It balances the pH level in the mouth, reducing the harmful acid within, and producing more saliva to wash away any remnant food particles and bacteria. Moreover, much like other soy products like tempeh or soy yogurt, the calcium and phosphorus it contains can help strengthen teeth, restore lost minerals and rebuild worn-down teeth enamel, thus resulting in fewer cavities. Choose organic soy products wherever possible.

Chewing gum

Yes! Chewing gum can be good for your teeth. But before you start rejoicing, keep in mind that that’s only the case for sugar-free gum. This is due to how the motion of chewing can speed up saliva production, helping to rinse away the damaging acids in your mouth more effectively. Alternatively, xylitol-sweetened gum can be another option as it has proven to be able to decrease the number of bacteria in the mouth. As an additional benefit, these chewing gums usually come with a breath freshening effect.

Leafy vegetables

Is it no surprise that leafy vegetables are superfoods? The best of all vegetables in terms of nutrient density can help maintain healthy teeth and gums since it’s chock-full of Vitamin C and calcium, both of which are essential for good oral health. After all, Vitamin C is needed for our bodies to battle infections and put it to good use throughout the entire body. For those who dislike eating leafy vegetables, there are plenty of ways to cook up a delicious dish of leafy vegetables, which include air drying, frying and combining with other foods.

Flaxseed oil

Did you know that people with a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acid DHA are 1.5 times more likely to be plagued with common dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease? While the best solution to this is no doubt a diet rich in Omega 3 like hazel nuts, pecan nuts, butternuts, most would find it a hassle to do so. In that case, the next best option is clearly flaxseed oil supplements, be it in the form of liquid or capsule that can be taken after meals. Flaxseed oil has been known to lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease and even fight autoimmune diseases, in addition to various other benefits.

Black or green tea

Polyphenols, which can be found in both black and green tea, usually interact with plaque bacteria, either eradicating or holding back its growth. This prevents the bacteria in the mouth from spreading or creating acid to attack the teeth. Depending on the type and quality of water you use to make the tea, it can also turn out to be rich in fluoride, which helps strengthen teeth. Some other benefits of drinking these teas include reduced cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, as well as reduced risk of heart attack and stroke.


Braces in Singapore cost quite a fair bit, and you don’t want to end up wasting all the time and effort spent on straightening your teeth. Having to go through the entire process again wouldn’t be pleasant either, so make sure to maintain the health of your teeth by including the above-mentioned foods in your diet.