Common Braces Issues And How To Avoid Them

If you’ve ever wondered about getting braces, then surely you would have also heard about some of the common issues patients with braces often encounter. No matter if you have a good orthodontist in Singapore or follow every aftercare tip, certain issues can still arise with braces. There is good news, however. Most of these issues are common problems; the risks of encountering them can be minimised.

Below, we’ll list down some of the common problems you may encounter while wearing braces and how to remedy them.

Common Problems for Dental Patients

Some of the common problems include:

  • Loose Bands – The bands that connect the upper and lower metal or ceramic braces to the molar teeth may become loose or dislodged, causing discomfort. The bands should be kept if possible and brought to your orthodontist to be re-cemented.
  • Dislodged Spacers – There can be one or many teeth spacers in your mouth that facilitate molar spacing prior to banding or molar expanders, and they may become dislodged. Try to salvage the spacers and visit your orthodontist to replace them.
  • Loose Braces Brackets – You may be given orthodontic wax as part of your aftercare kit, and you can use it to put the bracket in place or keep it from scratching you temporarily. Schedule a visit as soon as possible so your orthodontist can place the bracket correctly again.
  • Broken or Protruding Wires – This can cause discomfort and even pain; you may cut the wire carefully with a wire cutter, taking care not to swallow any broken pieces. Alternatively, you may try pushing the wire to a less painful spot in the mouth. It can also cause mouth sores which can be remedied by rinsing your mouth with an antiseptic rinse, and applying ulcer cream.

How You Can Avoid These Braces Issues

A significant way to reduce the risk of encountering the above-mentioned problems is avoiding certain foods such as sticky, chewy, and hard foods. Some examples of them are popcorn, nuts, chewing gum, taffy, and also hard candies. Try to make a habit of cutting your food into small pieces that can be chewed easily without causing strain or damage to the braces in your mouth.

Unless you’re wearing removable clear braces in Singapore, having braces will bound to attract and trap food particles, which can increase the risk of plaque buildup if not cleaned meticulously. Ensure that you’re brushing correctly and flossing your teeth after every meal to prevent chunks of food from becoming lodged in between brackets, and also prevent stains and cavities from forming.

Hopefully, this article has helped to enlighten you on the common problems that braces wearers encounter during the course of their treatment, and also how to combat these problems. Wearing braces can be challenging to get used to, and developing new habits can also be tedious. But, you’ll be thankful that you paid extra care and attention to your braces on the day your orthodontist removes them, and you’ll get to see your beautiful new teeth when the job is completed.