Why Plant-Based Foods Are Good for the Teeth
When people get rid of certain types of food from their daily consumption, it is only natural that they would be thinking about the effects of these adjustments on their overall health and comfort. In an era where a lot of health problems are associated with what we consume, our society is increasingly becoming health-conscious. […]
Read MoreClear vs Ceramic Braces
A beautiful smile gives the impression to those around you that you’re confident, attractive and intelligent. On the other hand, misaligned teeth and a poor smile are associated with poor hygiene and low self-confidence. There are numerous findings that show the interconnection between a beautiful smile and myriad health, social and career advantages. More and […]
Read MoreA Crash Course on Dental Abscess and How to Treat it
A dental abscess is characterised by a collection of pus in your gums, teeth, throat or jawbone. Your mouth is covered by a mass of bacteria that forms a gluey film on your teeth known as plaque. Failing to routinely brush and floss your teeth provides a haven for plaque buildup, and especially with clear […]
Read MoreThe 3 Types of Orthodontic Braces Dentists Recommend
There are many factors that contribute to having irregularly positioned teeth. The primary reason is usually hereditary, and cannot be prevented as it’s genetically passed down. This may result in features like having mismatched jaw and tooth sizes, or having more teeth than usual leading to overcrowding and misaligned positioning. In other cases, there are […]
Read MoreAftercare Tips for Managing Orthodontic Braces
Getting that picture-perfect smile is the ultimate goal for having braces, but getting there can be a daunting process to many. Wearing braces requires a high level of dedication and patience, as there are oral hygiene habits that must be inculcated into cleaning your newly-braced teeth. Regardless of the cost of braces in Singapore, embracing […]
Read MoreBraces or Invisalign: Which is Better?
Several orthodontists in Singapore recommend teeth straightening as a procedure to improve your smile and overall oral health. You could be weighing between braces and Invisalign, and you might have an avalanche of questions. Which is more pocket-friendly? Which one is more effective? Which one will be more comfortable for you? Eventually, you’ll need to […]
Read MoreWhy Wearing Braces is Recommended in Singapore
Not only do they properly align and position teeth according to the person’s bite, but dental braces are also devices often used in orthodontics to improve dental health. Braces have proven useful in correcting many issues related to jaw and teeth growth, as well as bringing about other long-term benefits. These are some of the […]
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